
Primary school students composting

Our plant was noisy with the chatting of children. Primary school children visited us again.

On their professional orientation day the class were taught about household composting and the beneficial effects of composts on plants. During this unusual lesson the students could learn about:

  • What is organic waste?
  • Which household wastes can be composted?
  • How is compost produced?
  • What needs to be considered when you compost at home?

In an interactive way the children could familiarize themselves with the materials and tools used during the composting process and also learnt about the macro organisms that take part in the processes.

The edible experimental plants growing in the phytotron were an absolute success. The young visitors could even taste them.

It was a pleasure to see that many of the students had already had practical experience in waste management thanks to their families.

We do hope that the time spent with us made them sufficiently interested to convince their friends and family members how important the selective collection of green waste is and even to encourage them to create their own composter!

The brochures with colourful illustrations distributed among the children had been published with the help of Ottó Herman Institute. We are grateful for the support we received.

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