
Hungarian State Secretary and Rector's visit to the Profikomp Innovation and Training Center

On November 25, 2020, Dr. Anita Boros, State Secretary for Construction Economics, Infrastructure Environment and Sustainability of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology, and Prof. Dr. Csaba Gyuricza, Rector of Szent István University, paid a professional visit to our company’s premises. A site visit organized on the occasion of the European Waste Reduction Week proved that our demonstration composting plant can serve as an excellent model for smaller settlements, as it is suitable for both the collection of biowaste and compostable plastics, as well as their utilization on site.

Small-scale decentralized composting plants for the recovery of biowaste have several advantages, as they can be operated at lower logistics and operating costs, so on-site recovery represents a lower environmental impact. These are relevant not only because of the importance of climate protection and sustainability, but also because of the priority given to the transition to a circular economy.

Dr. habil. Anita Boros Secretary of State and Prof. Dr. Csaba Gyuricza, Rector of Szent István University, were also personally convinced during the visit accompanied by the practical presentation. In addition to the presentation of the small-scale decentralized composting sample plant, we also introduced to our guests other research and development projects of ours, highlighting the full implementation of biopolymer utilization, as well as our algae cultivation and insect-protein production experiments.

The visit, which was rather limited in number in view of the viral situation, was, of course, carried out in full compliance with the appropriate precautions.

The main occasion of the visit was, the undergoing major changes in collection and utilization of garden green waste and litter (leaves), as from January 1, 2021, the ban on incineration of garden waste will become compulsory throughout the country, and until December 31, 2023, in all EU country, it is mandatory to establish the conditions for the separate collection and optimal utilization of biowaste. At the same time, the use and spread of biodegradable and compostable packaging materials, ie. biopolymers have growing importance. As part of the new directive, Member States may allow these biopolymers to be collected together with biowaste.

As part of this process, special emphasis is already placed on encouraging home composting and promoting the use of materials produced from biowaste, but there is an increasing focus on the possibility of operating small-scale, municipal- or community-operated composting plants using the technology presented at Profikomp Környezettechnika Zrt.

You can also read connected news published in the national press here:

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