
Festivals, catering, environmental awareness…Profikomp!

After a forced hiatus of a few years, the festival season roared again in full force in Hungary this summer. It is fair to say that for most festival organizers it is now a basic criterion that the catering service for their events should be as sustainable as possible. After the Sziget Festival won a prestigious international award for its composting system with ProfiKomp in 2019, it was no question that the organizers of the most popular festivals of the summer would again ask Profikomp® to professionally  collect and compost the catering waste generated.

After a forced hiatus of a few years, the festival season roared again in full force in Hungary this summer. It is fair to say that for most festival organizers it is now a basic criterion that the catering service for their events should be as sustainable as possible. After the Sziget Festival won a prestigious international award for its composting system with ProfiKomp® in 2019, it was no question that the organizers of the most popular festivals of the summer would again ask Profikomp® to professionally collect and compost the catering waste generated.

Profikomp® and its professional team were key players in achieving the sustainability goals at both mega events of the summer – EFOTT 2022 and SZIGET 2022. While at EFOTT we handled biodegradable catering waste across the entire festival area, at SZIGET – one of Europe’s biggest festivals -, we managed the professional management of biodegradable catering waste at around 50 collection points, involving more than half of the catering outlets.

But the summer season is not the end of the festivals: with the help of our partners, we continue to offer similar services at other events. For example, during the Wine & Gourmet Festival in Veszprém held at the beginning of October, which was part of the European Capital of Culture series. Profikomp was in charge of collecting compostable tableware and catering waste.

The utilization of compostable biopolymers and other biodegradable waste is still in full swing at our composting plant, with our own developed composting technology. In addition, as an outsourced department of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, we also carry out scientific research during the ongoing waste management processes. The aim of this is to get an even more complete picture of the behaviour of cups and plates containing compostable plastics and vegetable fibre. The further expansion of our knowledge and the monitoring of biopolymer materials’ degradation requires a series of standard tests, which cover the transformation processes of the polymer itself and the quality of the resulting compost.

Profikomp® Technology is a unique way of closing the organic loop, producing high quality compost from separately collected biowaste using the right know-how and technology!

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