Tender Disclosures

Development of dry fermentation technology at the site of Profikomp Környezettechnika Zrt.

Beneficiary name: Profikomp Környezettechnika Zrt.

Project title: Equipment acquisition of Profikomp Környezettechnika Zrt

Amount of contracted support: HUF 129,644,457

Subsidy rate: 55%

Presentation of the project content:

Profikomp Környezettechnika Zrt. HUF 129.64 million conditionally in the framework of the tender with the identification number GINOP_PLUSZ-1.2.1-21-2021-00886 submitted to the call for support of developments that help micro, small and medium-sized enterprises adapt to modern business and production challenges and qualified for support receives a non-refundable grant.

The purpose of the equipment purchase within the framework of this project – containerized dry fermenter, mobile flat sorting machine – is to create a complex operating system in which the effect of material flows on the system, the appropriate mixing ratios, treatment times (green waste, kitchen waste, biodegradable plastics) and the ideal technology solutions are operated and tested under real conditions. The result of the entire system is the construction of a know-how that helps to optimize the design, operation, energy use and energy extraction of the circular economy.

By getting to know the use of modern business and project support software, we further improve our digital preparedness and learn the methods necessary for successful project management. In addition, in order to develop effective management, we use management and management consulting in the framework of the project.

End date of the project: 31.12.2022

Project identification number: GINOP PLUSZ-1.2.1-21-2021-00886

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