Odour management

ProfiKomp® Odour Management Service Package

Odour management, prevention and reduction is important for all waste treatment plants. It is often a big problem for the operators of these plants, because:

  • odour often cause problems with neighbours in plant management;
  • odour is difficult to characterize, it is a mixture of many compounds;
  • odour treshold concentration is often very low;
  • no single chemical has been identified as a good indicator.

ProfiKomp® Environmental Technologies Inc. offers a complex odour management service package, which helps to our Partners regarding validation or trouble shooting for Best Practice in plant management.

ProfiKomp® Odour Management Service Package includes:

  • Identify the critical points at the plant (feedstock storage, pre-treatment, screening, biological process.)
  • Onsite measurement of odour emission with field olfactometer Nasal Ranger – Measuring relevant weather conditions for identifying impact areas
  • Sampling odours – based on Standard EN 13725 – „Air quality – Determination of odour concentration by dynamic olfactometry for laboratory measurements” –  Using Nalophan sampling bags and „Lung method” field sampler;
  • Measuring odour emission and/ or imission (not accredited), analysis of samples using a 4 personel TO-7 Dynamic Olfactometer and selected Panel members;
  • Evaluation of data and identifying impact areas of odour with specialized software;
  • Personalized consultancy services regarding odour reduction and management – preparation of a report and an adapted Odour Management Plan;
  • Annual validation with field olfactometer.


If you are interested or need further information related to odour emission measures or the ProfiKomp® Odour Management Service Package, do not hesitate to contact us.

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